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February 01, 2024

Review: My time at Portia (PS5)

In the game My time at Portia in the beginning you move to a village, and of course you inherit some land and a workshop with the purpose of doing something, and of course you should make friends with the villagers and marry one of them. So it's a very simple game? No it is NOT.

I never would have believed...

*that I would get totally addicted to this game

*for the game to be so complicated, you have to do many things at the same time

*that it has so many cute animals (for example, those colorful llamas jump around happily and you have to murder them in cold blood)

*that it would be so stressful, my neck and head etc. hurt badly while playing and at worst my hand went numb. In the end, I had to stop (for a day. I took a day off and it was difficult, because of my addiction). Should I play something more relaxing, like RE4 Remake? lol (I guess there is no such thing as easy enough game for me when even Spirit of The North also caused me to rage quit)


My time at Portia doesn't hold the player's hand, and it doesn't suit me. When you once again have to look on the internet how to get a new necessary ingredient when the game doesn't tell you about it in any way... without the instructions on the internet, I couldn't have played this game.



The best thing about the game is of course that you can get a cat! Pinky is a pink and fat cat that I bribed with fish every day for over a month before she finally agreed to be mine.




Building social relationships in the game is painfully slow, even if you gift people with their favorite stuff every damn day.



The worst moment was when I had two time-limited tasks that required things I didn't have yet. Being an idiot, I took the Commerce Guild task to make 5 sprinklers. They require valves, which the internet claimed to be found in Abandoned mine #2, where I dug in vain for a week (!). In the end I went to the sewage plant, the end boss of the first level always drops 2 valves. I had to go there on four different days, because the first time I got to the boss, I ran out of stamina. It was stressful to have to kill the boss many times when just beating him wasn't enough, you also have to dodge. And I don't normally bother to dodge in games...

And at the same time there was another task, that required stuff which I finally finished one night. I knew that when I woke up in the morning, I have less than 2 hours to find the guy to whom I have to return the stuff. On the first attempt, the guy did not agree to accept the goods and the mission failed. I loaded the day and realized that I had the wrong kind of glass with me the first time. In the end it worked, but it was close. I worked so hard and for so long on those missions that it would have been a bit of a bummer if the time had run out, and damn close it was.


There are many bachelors in the game to choose who to marry, but only  for two of them you get trophies. One woman and one man. It's interesting to think about who I would have chosen if trophy hadn't "forced" me to marry Gust. At least not him, that's for sure. In order to get together with Gust, I gifted him daily with bloody umbrellas, they require the spikes of certain animals to make them. Have Portians never heard of vegan umbrellas?!


I had to wait a long time for the proposal. When I thought it would finally happen, I still had to take care of the future groom's pig for six days.


There would have been really funny answer options when refusing the proposal.


Then the wonderful day came and I finally got married!!1 For some reason, the groom's doppelganger was a guest at the wedding.


It was a bit sad when at the end of the month/year the situation was that I lost to Higgins only by a small margin.



LUCKILY I realized that I can reload that last day of the year again. I had messed up and didn't notice that there were tasks available on the wall even though it was the weekend. So I played the day again, and the victory and the trophy were mine!



(and as a bonus I got [unsaved of course] the divorce trophy, although it was hard to get enough money for the divorce when the merchants started saying they couldn't afford to buy more of my stuff. but it was nice to find out the next morning that the divorce was just a bad dream lol [Gust even dared to say that he knew this wouldn't last])



It was good to stop playing the game with that win and trophy. I had already decided that I would quit after a certain story mission, which I worked hard for in advance, so that Higgins wouldn't have time to steal any commissions. I have had enough of this health-destroying stressful game!


According to reviews My Time at Portia is a relaxing game? WTF? I so disagree with those reviews: How can you rest up your brain when you constantly have to think about how to get this, this and that? When to get that one thing you have to get and make many others? What the hell is this shit about a slowpace game? All the time you are terribly busy, especially when a large part of the missions have a time limit. Surely a stressed soul can't rest, it just gets more stressed!! Ugh, and by the way, it's a shame to know that it's a Chinese game.



Next, I started playing the original Resident Evil 4 (a poor person can't afford the remake), with chicago typewriter. Killing Spaniards was a much more relaxing activity than playing Portia... until I died of novistadors. I hate them so much.

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