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May 15, 2024

The cat named Daffodil of Spiritfarer

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A boat, a cat, and other cuddly animals? Count me in! 

Spiritfarer is a beautiful, touching and depressing game about life and death. In Spiritfarer a girl named Stella, with her cat Daffodil, transports souls on her boat, to some final place.


At first I thought that Spiritfarer is a boring and slow game. Then I fell in love with it.



How could I not love this game? In Spiritfarer you are on a boat, ie on a cruise almost all of the time. And in real life I happen to have a thing for cruises... And in games I have a thing for boats.



There's a local co-op.


Attention cat lovers! In Spiritfarer you can play as a cat if you play the game in local co-op. Then player number 2 can play as the adorable fluffy cat, Daffodil.



Besides spirits you can get sheep, chicken and cows to your boat. You need to shear the sheep, and believe it or not, it's funny to watch.


The game is full of positive and fun musings about people and life. My favorite is this one: "I have a rare disease where I hate when people talk to me." That is so me!


Can you pet the cat in Spiritfarer?

Yes, you can hug the cat Daffodil, and nothing is more cute. You can also change the color of the cat, like I have done in these screenshots.



There were some things I didn't like about this game. Such as a vegan snake. I mean, snakes are NOT vegans.



But my favorite thing to do in this game was to sing for the plants. It's especially exquisite when Daffodil does it.


Spiritfarer is currently on sale on Amazon.



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