September 29, 2024

My Time at Sandrock: New romance missions coming soon!

The long awaited new romance content for My Time at Sandrock has finally received a release date

Free romance update and Love Chronicles DLC are coming to Steam on October 8, 2024. They will be released for consolers later. It could be a lot of later, judging how Pathea was supposed to release the multiplayer for consoles "this summer", and Playstation hasn't received that update yet.


My Time at Sandrock: Free romance update

This free update includes new post-marriage romance quests for Justice, Owen, Grace, Qi, Logan, Amirah, Fang, Mi-an, Nia and Unsuur. These missions will naturally trigger after you marry said characters. 

Owen will also get a new romance mission which will trigger after you have reached boyfriend/girlfriend status or higher with him. This means you won't get it if you have already married him...

This free update also has a new quest for Miguel...

And it also has another new quest which is available when your relationship with Qi and Hugo reaches friend level or higher.

We knew for a long time that Owen would get new romance missions, but we got a lot more than expected. I bet especially Logan's new romantic content will make a lot of people swoon. Including me...

My Time at Sandrock: Love Chronicles DLC

This paid DCL includes new romance quests for Mi-an, Nia, Fang and Logan. And it also has two Chronicles quests.



September 26, 2024

My Time at Evershine: Meet the bachelors!

These are the bachelors available for voting on Kickstarter as a core romance in the upcoming game My Time at Evershine



Which bachelor is your favorite? Who you are going to vote? You can only vote for one of them.

Here are the bachelor bios, straight from Pathea.


Atticus' wife died of child birth many years ago, leaving him to take care of his children Jasper and Garnet, as well as her crazy father Idaho. Although life on the frontier has been hard for him, he did his best for his family and never once complained. Now that his children are all grown up, he's trying to adjust to a new phase of his life.


Kang, from Highwind, is a young and ambitious Builder. His dream is to win a build-off against the Builder of the Decade in Sandrock. But after suffering a humiliating build-off defeat against a Builder in Portia and being told to "buzz off and never waste my time again", Kang's looking to find a place to train.


Rudy used to be a successful entrepreneur in Atara, he had the world in the palm of his hand. But after a series of unfortunate events, he has lost everything. Now he doesn't know what to do with himself. Maybe he should just stop trying...


Shin is a skilled tailor with and eye for the finer things; his sharp mind ensures he always comes out on top againts would-be hagglers. People say he's been living alone in the mountains for decades, waiting. For what? Or is it for whom?


Stev was a Duvos soldier arrested during a daring operation in the Alliance. After a prisoner swap deal was reached with Duvos, Stev was to be shipped back to the Duvos border with another group of Duvos soldiers. But somehow, he ended up all alone in the Northern Eufaula...


Waylen doesn't talk about his past, he changes the subject whenever someone asks. Everyone appreciates his sense of humor and top notch combat skills, but sometimes you'll catch him staring off into the distance with a puzzling expression...

There are other bachelors, such as Avery and Ragnar, who already are confirmed core romances in the game.

September 25, 2024

My Time at Evershine: Kickstarter trailer

The Kickstarter campaign for My Time at Evershine has been a huge success. It reached the initial goal of $200,000 in just 35 minutes. And within the first 24 hours Pathea had received nearly one million dollars for their third My Time-game.


My Time at Evershine is aiming for a spring 2026 release date. However, backers of eligible tiers will be getting alpha access in early 2025!

You have until October 24, 2024 to support the game on Kickstarter.


Will Logan be in My Time at Evershine?

Yes, it is confirmed: Everybody's favorite bachelor Logan from Sandrock WILL visit Evershine if a Kickstarter goal will be reached!



If you support the game you can vote for one bachelor and one bachelorette for a core romanceable with a long storyline. To my understanding also the other options will be romanceable, just with less content.

A familiar name has been revealed in the backer voted romanceables. Is it Stev, the Duvos soldier, from My Time at Sandrock?



Along with launching the Kickstarter campaign, more details and info have been released about My Time at Evershine:

In the multiplayer/story co-op you can marry other players! 

For the first time ever in My Time-series, there will be different difficulty options.

And when it comes to character customization options, if a specific Kickstarter goal is reached, the game will have a height slider.



The art style will be different from the previous games. Some people like the change, and some people totally hate it. It's clear that Pathea wants to reach bigger audiences. Will they succeed, or eliminate fans of the series?

September 19, 2024

Resident Evil costumes in Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster!

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The digital version of Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster has been released, and the physical copy is coming on November 8, 2024.



One of the greatest and funniest aspects of the Dead Rising-games has always been the variety of available outfits.

With the digital deluxe version of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster you get extra costumes for Frank, and many of them are from Resident Evil-games!


Resident Evil Hero Pack

Ashley Graham

Leon S. Kennedy

Chris Redfield



Resident Evil Villain Pack


Chainsaw Villager



But do note that this time there are no costume-dependent abilities added! How could I ever survive without them?

I'm sad that Capcom didn't add multiplayer/co-op to this remaster, that's what made both Dead Rising 2s so much fun to play with a friend. 

But it's brilliant that they decided to add the Resident Evil costumes! That almost makes me want to play the remaster, although I didn't survive long in the original. Without some other player carrying me I'm hopeless in survival horror games.

I still wish there were even more Resident Evil-costumes, such as my favorite character Claire Redfield...

September 18, 2024

My Time at Evershine: Reveal trailer

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The reveal trailer for My Time at Evershine is here!




The Kickstarter for the game will begin on September 24.

My Time at Evershine will be released for PC, Playstation 5 and Xbox Series X|S. The game is in early production so the release date is not yet known.

Pathea has said that My Time at Evershine most likely will NOT come to Switch. It's high time for a Switch 2 anyway, and in fact Evershine might just be one of the first games for this upcoming console.


Taming the Wild New Frontier  3 years after the events of My Time at Sandrock, the Duvos Empire has taken over the Orzu ruins, which Ethea also claims as their own, leading to a tense situation just north of the Alliance of Free Cities border in North Eufaula. In response, the Alliance launched the North Development Plan to move more settlers into the area and establish a new City State for better defense. Evershine is one of six new major settlements in the region and will play a key role in the ongoing hostilities. It is calling on anyone interested in new opportunities to move to the region...


The Romances  Develop romantic relationships with eight core, charming NPCs, including two chosen by backers' votes, and experience heart-pounding moments in every interaction. Beyond romance, you’ll meet over twenty unique NPCs, each with their own personality, ready to be part of your settlement. As you invite them in, you’ll forge deep, lasting bonds that grow stronger over time.

Avery is confirmed as a romanceable bachelor!

New Story-Driven Campaign  Become the Governor of a brand new colony on the borders of the Free Cities and face the mighty Duvos Empire. Recruit settlers, build infrastructure, tame the wilderness, and guide your people to create an idyllic new stronghold for the Alliance, full of enchanting characters and memorable stories to savor. This new sequel has a clearer antagonist that brings even more adventure and excitement.

New Art Direction  My Time At Evershine is the most beautiful and realistic game in the series so far. The environments are bigger and more varied, the characters are more realistic, and the motion captured animation creates a more believable world.

Multiplayer Co-op  For the first time in the My Time series, the campaign can be enjoyed alone or in co-op mode with up to four players, making the game ideal for family and friends. The host controls the pace of the main story, while all players share resources and money, allowing everyone to cooperate and participate in the adventure together.

Building a Society  This ambitious sequel puts players in the role of an all-powerful Governor who can not only build new infrastructure and explore, but also lead a team of recruitable and customizable NPCs. These NPCs take care of day-to-day tasks such as building and gathering resources, allowing the Governor to focus on more important decisions.

Meaningful Relationships  Social play was an integral part of My Time At Sandrock and My Time At Portia. In My Time At Evershine, Pathea plans to expand these systems even further. Players can recruit up to 3 followers to accompany them on daily missions or send them on missions in North Eufaula. Pathea aims for 8-10 romantic characters in the campaign, with dozens more scattered throughout the game. Players must also consider the needs and wishes of their followers, as fatigue and hunger affect morale and performance. RPG fans will love the deep interaction between characters and the opportunity to create meaningful relationships with romantic characters woven into the plot and more opportunities to develop bonds early in the campaign.



Mod Support  My Time At Evershine includes full mod support for both single and multiplayer games, allowing players to customize and expand their RPG experience. Whether you play alone or with friends, the possibilities for creativity and new content are endless.

September 06, 2024

My Time at Evershine announced!

The next game in the My Time game series has been announced. It's gonna be called My Time at Evershine.

My Time at Evershine is a sequel to highly entertaining cozy games My Time at Sandrock and My Time at Portia.

The Kickstarter campaign for the game will be launched later in September 2024.

Fans of the series were trying to guess where the next game would be take place, but they all were wrong. I don't think Evershine has even been mentioned in the series before. At least seems to be a lot greener than Sandrock, thank you for that. I don't have a dime to spare but I'm actually thinking about backing this project. That's how much I love this series.

You can subscribe to pre-launch on Kickstarter now.

my time at evershine

The release date of My Time at Evershine  is not yet known.

September 02, 2024

L.A. Noire: First impressions

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Ten years ago, back in April 2014, I had the time of my life. I was playing L.A. Noire for the first time. On PS3. These days I'm happy to say that L.A. Noire is one of my all time favorite games. I'm very sad that it's very unlikely that there will ever be a sequel, L.A. Noire 2.

In L.A. Noire you play as detective Cole Phelps, solving crimes in Los Angeles in the year 1947. And still today, the city looks astonishing and so genuine. I'm always in awe while driving on the streets (and trying to run people over in the process).


 I hate Roy Earle. But there is one character in the game who I hate even more...

But here are my first impressions of L.A. Noire, first written back in 2014:

While partying on a Saturday night my neck got sore in a fist fight. Things got too real when I almost died, and panicked because of it. This happened in my new favorite game L.A. Noire! 



Because of (the first) The Last of Us, which turned out to be a complete disappointment for me, I thought that "cinematic" games are not really for me, but I guess I was wrong. LA Noire was reportedly the first game ever that was "honoured as an official selection" at a film festival.

Noire is a calm enough game for my taste, but there is also plenty of action. At first the game reminded me of the CSI series, and then of the Grand Theft Auto games. The game world is large and well executed. After all, the game was years behind its original schedule because they wanted to make it better. 


Herschel Biggs is taking it easy.

It was funny when one time I drove away from the bad guys and accidentally drove full speed to the wall. Well, the villains followed suit - and died. And that's how I passed the mission! Oops. I sometimes have that idiot-loser's luck. But then it hasn't been nice when my boss yells at me because I suck at detective work :( It's always scary when the boss yells.

The best crime case to solve was the one where you have to decide whether to go to a liquor store, a bar or a bowling alley next!! And the funniest thing is that I had to go to the the liquor store many times because I always missed some evidence. The last time I crashed the car directly to the entrance of the liquor store, and my spouse commented funnily that my character seems to be pretty drunk by now... But of course it was unfair that my character was never allowed to take a cigarette break or take a single shot of alcohol, my work partner instead kept slacking... "You go interview the witnesses, I'll just drink at the bar."

"If we survive this it's gonna be a miracle!" is my favorite quote in the game, said by my favorite detective partner Rusty Galloway. 



On the way to a street crime, I managed to wreck no less than FIVE cars. Or, okay, maybe four. But do the destroyed cars on the other side of the head-on collision also count? ;) I guess not then.


Now it's scary that the game will end soon. I don't want this game to ever end, I want to keep investigating crimes forever!


More L.A. Noire posts coming soon!


For my L.A. Noire playthrough videos you can check Youtube. Note: this is not from my first playthrough. And by checking through the playlist you can see which LA Noire character I hate the most!