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March 07, 2024

Resident Evil 2: Biorand randomizer

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I started a website for Resident Evil in 1999, so it's pretty obvious that I am a big fan of these horror games. Or at least I used to be.

My favorite games of the series are the original RE2 and RE4. I still haven't played Resident Evil 4 Remake, gonna have to wait for the price to go down.

From Twitch streams I learned that there is a really fun and funny randomizer mod for the original Resident Evil games 1, 2 and 3. You can download it for free from Biorand's website.

The randomizer has many customization options. You can randomize playable characters, enemies, items and even doors. And it's being constantly updated, adding new content.

I don't even remember how many years it's been since I last played the original Resident Evil 2 game which I love, or played any game on the computer at all. To put it mildly, I had some issues with the controls, even though I was playing with a PS5 controller.

My first Biorand randomizer playthrough

I chose Claire's A-scenario, and got Nemesis as a playable character, who doesn't have many different voice lines.


When two fatties met, both got stuck.


Sherry's terrible destiny was to be Marvin.


I have a bad feeling about this...

Claire, on the other hand, was on duty as both Leon and Sherry. Claire had been very worried about Nemesis, and had been looking for him.



Regina: What's this for?

Nemesis: STARS!

Nemesis on radio: ÖRR

Claire: I'm on my way

Jake's (Anette's) last words: Still alive? Good.

Streaming PC gameplay?

I had thought that I wouldn't be able to stream from a computer, or record gameplay in general. I thought you need to have a capture card for that, but that's not the case.

I first tried using the Screen recorder extension for Chrome, but it couldn't find the sounds, and therefore refused to work. I hear many others have had the same problem.

Then I had to install Streamlabs. But it doesn't recognize RE2 as a game, and so you would have to stream the whole screen. And the first time I tried, I just selected the recording source, but I didn't press the recording button... And the game shows up in the recording annoyingly a bit on the side, and not in the middle. My boyfriend claims that it could be due to my resolution.


And in my Leon's B-scenario, the playable character was Jill, but unfortunately Leon's voice lines were the normal ones, i.e. nothing was random. :( Well, when Leon was Ada and Jill spoke with Leon's voice, their farewell was quite interesting.


And for too much of the time, also Ada's lines were normal, even though quite many characters played her.


I also didn't manage to find the crank at all, not even from the room where it should have been according to the log. So I cheated to get it. I also hadn't found a certain key, and then by accident went from the debug menu to the morgue, and I would have needed that key to get there.



Some people say that the randomizer and the arrange mode I used are not compatible. That it could be the reason why everything was not random for me. (EDIT: the reason was that I had only installed RE2, and not RE1 and RE3 at all, d'oh. I'm sooo stupid) 

But now I won't dare to venture into Raccoon City anymore without a Rocket launcher or a machine gun with infinite ammo...

Ps. In this randomizer, you can also choose the playable character. So I still need an option where you can choose Ada's performer. Then I would finally get to see Claire and Leon's love story... (edit: I got it anyway!)

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