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January 07, 2024

Far Cry New Dawn: Cattle location

Far Cry: New Dawn is a very grindy game, and one of the grindiest trophies/achievements is Master Skinner where you have to skin all animals.

And by far the most difficult animal to find in the game is the cow. You can't even get a map to show its hunting grounds.

There are only two locations where very rare cattle spawn in this game. 


Far Cry New Dawn: Cattle location


The first one is Old Fang Farm. So fast travel there and search for its surroundings.

There are always either cows or bulls, never both at the same time. So if bulls spawn you need to fast travel to Old Fang Farm again.

What's the difference between bulls and cows? Bulls have horns and they are marked as red enemies. Poor cows aren't enemies and are marked with white. And of course there might be some other differences as well, but I wouldn't know anything about them...

After trying this for hours, and only bulls spawning to the farm we decided to try the second option.

Cattle's second spawning location in Far Cry: New Dawn is H.M.S. MacCoubrey Expedition. There cows spawn near the lighthouse.



And already on the first try cows spawned there for us, instead of bulls. So for us at least the Expedition was the better option. For us cow was the last skin needed for the trophy. But if it isn't the same for you, you need to finish the expedition so you don't lose the skin.

I freaking love cows, and having to kill one of them for a trophy felt terrible. I always hate killing animals in games, but this was especially nauseating. I just wanted to follow the cow to some better place...

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