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October 26, 2023

Can you pet the cat in Saints Row reboot (2022)?

Yes, you can pet this special cat in reboot Saints Row.



No, you can't pet the prominent story cat in Saints Row. This cat made the Saints Row reboot a lot more enjoyable for a cat lover. I was always eagerly waiting when I would next see the cat in a cutscene.


The reboot itself is a let down. And now that the studio has been closed there probably never will be new Saints Row games.

October 24, 2023

Vodka in Max Payne

Max Payne is a legendary game made by Finnish company Remedy. It was released in 2001, and had some revolutionary gameplay elements, called "bullet time". The game has since been released on many platforms.

And of course the game has some very nice Finnish references.

Highlight of the game for me: Finnish vodka!

Instead of cut scenes, the game uses a much cheaper option: comic book style. The company couldn't ever afford to use real actors in these scenes. 


Even a Max Payne movie was made, starring Mark Wahlberg and the cast including Amaury Nolasco. The movie was released in 2008.

Many fans were hoping for a remake, and their prayers were answered when in April 2022 it was announced that Remedy is developing remakes of both Max Payne and Max Payne 2, with funding from Rockstar. These remakes will be released on Windows, PS5 and Xbox Series X/S. The release date is not yet known.